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The Gate E-bulletin - Sunday October 13
We hope you will join us this Sunday at 9:45am for coffee and fellowship, and our service starting at 10:00am. Anyone unable to make it in person is invited to tune in online.
Seniors Coffee Postponed - Oct. 9: This week's fellowship time for seniors will be cancelled. Please look forward to the next meeting on Wednesday 16 at 10:30am for a Thanksgiving brunch, and bring a favourite bible verse to share!
YouthGate - Oct 10: Youth meet at The Gate at 6:45pm to head to the Lethbridge Corn Maze. Cost is $11 per person. Parents pick up at The Gate at 9:15pm. (Dress warm!)
Men's Breakfast - Oct. 19: Guys are invited out to Gerow's home (2417 Aspen Dr. Coaldale) for breakfast at 9:00am on Saturday morning.
The Better Portion - Oct. 27 : Women are invited to attend "The Better Portion" at 6:20pm. This is time to focus on resting and sitting at the feet of Jesus through meditating on the word of God. "The Better Portion" continues at The Gate on the fourth Sunday of each month.
Starting Point: The Lord has led some people in our church to start a new Christian program called Starting Point to connect former inmates into avenues of community, help, and support. We are so excited to have a part in this as we host Starting Point at The Gate on Wednesday evenings starting in October!
October 13 -19 KidsGate Memory Verse
Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.
- Psalm 150:6 -
On Sunday we continue our journey through our "Follow" sermon series with John 3:1-21 . We hope you will join us as  Jesus leads us through his word into the world!
August 2024 Donations Update
General Donations: $
14,207 of $13,583 budgeted
India Slum School Donations: $440 of $600 budgeted

If you have a donation you would like to make towards The Gate Church, we accept e-transfer donations through Please include your email and mailing addresses in your initial e-transfer for your annual tax receipt.
Thank you for your generosity!
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Copyright © 2024 The Gate Church, all rights reserved.

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The Gate Church
522 3rd Ave S
Lethbridge, AB T1J 0H3

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C h r i s t i a n  C h u r c h

We have regular worship services every Sunday morning at 10:00am.

Join us in person, or online from wherever you are through Facebook live.

KidsGate is our children's program for kids age three to grade five.

KidsGate is offered during a portion of our regular Sunday services. Different types of fun and learning invite kids to celebrate Jesus!

YouthGate is our group for anyone grades six through twelve.

YouthGate normally meets Thursday nights at 7:00pm. Please see our e-bulletin (below) for current events.

Young Adults ages 18-30 meet for meals and events on a rotating basis.
Current information about Young Adults meetings can be found in the e-bulletin or by connecting to our YA group chat (please contact us to join!).